How You Can Keep up with Your Hot Tub Treatments

Owning a hot tub is something that is going to bring you a lot of satisfaction for many years to come. Some people feel that there is so much work to maintain a hot tub that they don’t see the value of investing in one. Fortunately, this is not true as there is very little maintenance required. If the minor maintenance that is required is performed, it does not take very much to keep up your hot tub.

Those that have purchased a hot tub will often buy a cover, which cuts down on the work even more. Here are some quick maintenance tips.


For hot tubs that are located outdoors, the wind and outside environment causes debris to fall into the water. Having a skimmer on hand to remove this makes it easy. If debris is not removed, it eventually floats to the bottom of the hot tub and starts to contaminate the water. Get a skimmer with a long handle, so you can use it to remove anything that may be at the bottom of the hot tub.


Some particles are too small to be retrieved by the skimmer, so a special pool vacuum will do the job. Actually, some vacuums actually attach to the skimmer, so you can do both jobs at the same time.


You want to buy a special brush to make sure you are not getting one that is too harsh for your hot tub. Brush the sides and bottom of the hot tub to remove any debris that is beginning to build up. If you find that a lot of residue is coming off the sides as a result of the brushing, you should vacuum the hot tub again once completed.

Water line mark

You may be seeing a line running around the hot tub where the water line is. This often is from the body oils or those who have used the hot tub without taking a quick shower first to remove any sunscreen or body creams from their skin. When you are cleaning with a brush, focus on removing this line.

Check the water quality a couple of times a week to make sure it is properly balanced and add what is necessary. Be sure to follow the hot tub guide that came with your hot tub for the specific cleaning regime applicable to your hot tub.

Also, if you are just about to buy your hot tub, consider one of the self-cleaning units and you will have even less cleaning to do.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.