When Should You Not Use Your Hot Tub?

Once you have a hot tub installed in your home and start putting it to good use, there probably won't be a day that you won't want to use it. Hot tubs have so many benefits that the majority of people who get to use one often compliment on how it helps them to feel better physically and mentally.

There may be some instances where you should refrain from using your hot tub, and this is when you are dealing with health issues. If you have a cold or flu, it's probably a good idea to wait until it passes to use the hot tub. Sometimes for various reasons people suffer from diarrhea, and even though they don't feel generally ill, it is not wise to use your hot tub. The cause of your problem could be simply because you ate the wrong thing, or it could be bacterial. You don't want to take a chance of transmitting germs in the hot tub.

If you are pregnant, make sure to ask your doctor about using your hot tub and follow his or her advice.

One of the benefits that comes with a hot tub that it's a lot of fun! It is not uncommon for hot tub owners to invite guests over to spend some time relaxing together. You want to use common sense in avoiding any potential health issues. Of course, you are not going to come right out and ask your guests if they are healthy or have diarrhea, yet because you know it is not wise to allow people with these conditions into your hot tub, it can be a little perplexing to make this known. A simple solution to this is to post a small, attractive and easily readable sign concerning hot tub use near your unit.

Ideally, you or your guests should not use your hot tub if they have open sores or wounds, or any type of skin rash. Pre- hot tub showering for everyone should be a rule of use, and will help to keep your water healthy and fresh.

Finally, you should know that you should not use your hot tub after adding chemicals until the water has been properly tested. Naturally, you should be unlikely to make use of the hot tub if the water doesn't look pristine and clear.

There are not too many reasons that can prevent you from using your hot tub, but knowing when you should not use it will ensure that your hot tub experiences are always happy ones.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.