
How to Maintain Exceptional Hot Tub Water Quality

There is probably nothing worse than going to enjoy your hot tub or spa with friends or family, then you pull off the cover and find that the water is less than appealing in either smell or texture.

It is probably something every hot tub owner has experienced at one time or another, such as milky, foamy or exceptionally cloudy water. Furthermore, at times, you can’t figure out exactly what is causing the issue.

Depending on what you are experiencing, there is usually a pretty definitive explanation for what is occurring.

Getting Your Swim Spa Ready for Winter

With the coming winter just around the corner, getting ready for the winter months by readying your swim spa properly is vital. There are different things you need to do to prepare your swim spa, hot tub or pool for the coming winter months regardless of whether you live in an area that gets snow or not.

How to Deal With Snow on Your Hot Tub Cover

A common question as the weather begins to turn is what to do if you get snow on your hot tub cover. The biggest fear people have is how much weight can the hot tub cover take. There are different ways to approach this question and they are determined mainly by the type of cover you have for your spa. Of course, a mesh cover will perform differently both a solid cover and a safety cover. There is a general rule of thumb for snow on the cover which is if there is only a foot or two of snow, the cover should have no problem holding that amount.


About Us

The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.