Can you use your sauna even when it's hot outside?

When it’s cold and dark and you want to warm up, a sauna seems like the ideal choice. However, during the summer when the mercury is rising a home sauna can easily get forgotten about. The benefits of a sauna are just as relevant when it’s warm outside than when it’s cold – in Scandinavia, arguably the spiritual (and physical) home of the sauna, you’ll find saunas at local summer homes, as well as winter residences. That’s because you absolutely should use your sauna even when it’s hot outside. Here’s why.

Use your sauna to help your body adjust to the heat

If you struggle with the heat – or just with the transition from one seasonal temperature range to another – a sauna can help you to adjust. Saunas are so effective at this that they are even used by professional athletes and sports teams who are training to compete in hotter climates. So, if you want to get more from your summer this year and not suffer with the heat, your sauna will be key to helping you to adjust.

Enjoy the beauty benefits

Whether your skin has become dull and problematic due to constant use of sunscreen, or you’re worried about getting into swimwear for the first time, a sauna is an effective way to tackle these issues. Sauna sessions in the summer can help you to get beach ready – an infrared sauna session can burn 600+ calories in a single sitting. You’ll also see all the benefits of a sweaty sauna session straight away in your skin. Sweating cleanses your system and helps to remove all the impurities sitting on the surface of the skin that might cause problem areas and breakouts.

You still need downtime in the summer

Saunas have an instantly relaxing effect on the body and can be a great place to enjoy some alone time and relax. If you’re suffering from physical aches and pains – maybe a new exercise regime or a sport you’ve taken up for summer – the heat of the sauna will soothe sore muscles and help relieve any pain. Recovery is much quicker with the aid of a sauna, whether that’s recovery from physical activity or from having a few too many drinks at a summer party the night before.

Improve your wellbeing this summer

There are many wellness benefits to using a sauna, whether during the summer or the winter months. For example, regular use can help to improve your heart function and respiratory system. It can assist with salt elimination, enabling your body to sweat out the after effects of summer BBQs to detoxify and reduce water weight. Plus, a sauna provides instant stress relief and help with anxiety issues, whether that’s as a result of an upcoming summer event or seasonal stress at work.
Saunas aren’t just for the winter months they have many benefits all year round. And in the summer in particular they can be ideal for helping you get the most from the time of year, physically and mentally too.

Take a look at our range of saunas and get in touch to find which would be the best suited to you today.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.