How can a hot tub improve wellness

Hot tubs are a great investment for relaxation and wellbeing - somewhere to get away from the stress and challenges of daily life and let it all go. But did you know that a hot tub can also have some very tangible positive benefits when it comes to physical wellness? If you’re lucky enough to have a hot tub at home - or you’re planning on getting one - then these are just some of the ways that you can use it to improve your own wellness and that of your family too.

Improving the quality of your sleep

When we don’t get enough sleep it can quickly have a detrimental impact on overall wellness. From struggling to concentrate to overeating and being easily triggered by those around us, there are lots of ways in which this has an effect. One simple way to improve the quality of your sleep, as well as the ease with which you’re able to get to sleep, is to sit in your hot tub two hours before your usual bedtime. This will help to calm your nervous system and make it easier to sleep when you go to bed. The heat from the water also slightly raises your body temperature and this has been found to improve how well you sleep, so that you’re getting better shuteye, for longer.

Joint and muscle pain and problems

A hot tub provides therapy for a broad spectrum of physical issues, from relieving muscle aches to reducing arthritis-related muscle and joint pain. Regularly spending time in a hot tub has also been found to help with other physical conditions, such as high blood pressure - and will also improve circulation. It can also help to take the pressure off joints because of the buoyancy of the water, delivering instant relief from a range of physical pressures.

Connections and socialising

There’s now a lot of evidence that staying connected to the people we love and spending time socialising are vitally important for wellness and physical and emotional health. It’s essential to carve out time to connect with your family and friends and a hot tub provides the ideal environment for this. Whether you have some quiet time with friends or throw a social event based around the hot tub, it’s the perfect setting. A hot tub is also a simple way to spend more time with children without devices and screens - water games, or even teaching them to swim, provide an opportunity to connect.

Essential relaxation

None of us functions well if we are ‘on’ all the time - which is why it’s so necessary to find ways to switch off throughout the week. Resting and recharging is easy to do in the hot tub because of the soothing impact of the hydrotherapy, the warmth of the water and the environment you can create for yourself.

A hot tub can feel like a blissful luxury. However, it can also be a way to help better support your own wellness, now and in the future. We offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub. We are proud to have a multi-award-winning showroom located in Kent, so please come down and try out our huge range.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.