The Ultimate Guide to Hot Tub Accessories: Enhancing Your Experience

If you’ve invested in a hot tub then no doubt you want to get the best out of the experience of owning one. Hot tub accessories offer lots of great ways to do this. There are a wide range to choose from and each one will give you a better experience of owning, and using, your hot tub at home. If you’re keen to accessorise your hot tub then here are a few of our suggestions.

A hot tub cover - and cover lift

It may sound strange to describe the cover as an accessory but it can have a big impact on how you experience your hot tub. For example, a well fitting, well insulated hot tub cover can help to ensure that the hot tub is always ready for your use and that you’re not wasting energy either. A hot tub cover lift means you don’t have to deal with the heavy cover yourself, as the lift simply removes it for you when it’s time to get into the water.

Hot tub steps

Having to clamber in, or out, of a hot tub can kind of ruin the experience. You might be worried about slipping or falling - or just not have the mobility to do this easily. With some hot tub steps you can get in and out of the hot tub much more easily and effortlessly. There are lots of different models available to suit the kind of step up that you need. They also come in a variety of different designs and finishes so you can achieve the right aesthetic too.

A hot tub enclosure

This is any structure that surrounds your hot tub and provides protection from the elements, as well as some privacy. This can make all the difference to how you use your hot tub, as well as whether you continue to use it all year round. A hot tub enclosure can be a very practical space or it can be designed to make the area feel luxurious and ultra comfortable.

Hot tub decking

This is one way to considerably enhance your experience because hot tub decking can turn your home hot tub into a real feature of the property. It is both functional and aesthetic, looking great and also providing safety and stability when you’re using the hot tub. There are lots of different options to choose from when it comes to hot tub decking, including wood, composite and concrete.

Hot tub filters

These are an essential part of the way that your hot tub works, removing debris and ensuring that conditions are healthy and safe. There are lots of different types of hot tub filters, including cartridge filters and sand filters, and they come in many sizes and types. The right filters can make looking after your hot tub easier and ensure that the experience is always a positive one.

When it comes to hot tub accessories, there are lots to consider, from steps and decking to cover and filters. We offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub. We are proud to have a multi-award-winning showroom located in Kent, so please come down and try out our huge range

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.