How to open up your pool in spring

Getting your pool up and running for the new season is not too difficult, and the following guidelines should make life even easier for you. However, if you've got doubts that this particular line in DIY is not for you, give your local pool centre or service engineer a call.

For pools run on chlorine:

First, shock dose the pool with an unstabilised granular chlorine that gets to work the moment it is dissolved. The high dose of chlorine will kill off any algae spores and bacteria that might be lurking in liner creases or in the surface of tile grouting. This will give you as near sterile water as possible. Your pool water needs to be kept in good condition throughout the spring and summer, as the chlorine will soon dissipate.

You now need to add a chemical which special formulation contains a Long Life Algicide, Water Clarifier, and Anti Stain & Scale additives, which prevent the formation of scale and staining from dissolved minerals.

For pools run on bromine:

The above procedure and instructions opposite are aimed at pools run on chlorine, as it is by far the most commonly used outdoor pool sanitiser. There are parallel procedures for other disinfectants as follows. Bromine is very similar to chlorine and can be shock dosed with the same product. This should then be followed by a non-chlorine sanitiser, which is totally incompatible with chlorine and bromine.

The 13 Steps you should follow to open up your pool correctly:

  1. Remove surface water and debris from the winter cover before taking it off, then clean and dry it ready for storage.
  2. Using a leaf net, remove as much debris from the pool as possible and clean any tide marks at the water line using a cleaner chemical.
  3. Reconnect the pump if you removed it over winter making sure all electrical connections are free from dampness. Call in an electrician if you are in any doubt about what your are doing.
  4. Open any valves beneath the water line which may have been closed or plugged.
  5. Check there are no obstructions to the drains, the outlets and the pump strainer basket.
  6. If necessary, top up the water level so that it can be drawn in through the skimmer/s.
  7. Prime the pump, turn it on and check that the filter, skimmers and drains are all working. Do not be too concerned if the water from the circulation is discoloured initially. If the water level was too high because of rain over the winter, pump to waste.
  8. Run the filter for several hours, vacuuming out any remaining debris.
  9. Backwash the filter and top up with fresh water.
  10. Prepare the heat retention cover for use, cleaning off any patches of algae or mould.
  11. Check the pH and adjust to 7.2-7.4. Ask your dealer for pH reducer to lower the pH or pH increaser to raise the pH.
  12. Dose with shock product to kill any algae and harmful organisms that may be present. Allow the water to circulate for 3 to 4 hours to ensure thorough mixing.
  13. Then with the water still circulating, add algicide chemical, pouring it near the swimming pool inlet at the prescribed dose.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.