The Best Swim Experience With Your Swim Spa

There are many reasons why you would want to choose a swim spa for your home exercise. One of the most important reasons is the swim experience it can afford you. There are specific components that the Swim Spa must possess to create the best swimming experience possible.

The Pump:

You want to be sure that the pumps that are used in your swim spa are strong enough to operate the swim spa so you can get the swim results that you want. The plumbing size is also very important.


The jets are important and produce many benefits, but you want to make sure they don't create any turbulence. You want the jets to produce a flow rate that is smooth and consistent. This in turn will create a powerful flat current, which his ideal for swimming. You want to have a series of stabilization jets that have the ability to push you into the middle of the swim lane. It is also good if you can have LED lit swim jets to use as they help you identify your position in your swim spa.


Your swim spa should give you the ability to set the resistance. This means that as your endurance and swim skills progress, you increase the intensity of your swim workout. By being able to adjust the current it means that the swim spa can be used by any swimmer no matter what their skill level is.

The shell:

You are going to find that there are many different designs for the shell of the swim spa. You want to focus on those that have a wide and deep channel to them. You don't want steps or seating to obscure your swim efforts or that interferes with the flow of the water. Stay away from swim spas where the shell is creating a heavy backsplash. This interferes with maintaining your position in the swim lane.

These are four important aspects of a swim spa that you want to keep in mind when choosing the one that is going to best fit your family's needs. By focusing on these four factors, you will experience a great, consistent swim.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.