Tips for testing the quality of your spa water

Keeping your hot tub operating at maximum efficiency is a great way to guarantee its longevity and ensure you are getting the best value possible from your hot tub. The best way to achieve this is with some basic maintenance. With our self-cleaning hot tubs, maintenance requirements are drastically reduced, but below are a few simple things you can do to further enhance your hot tub experience!

Testing methods

There are a range of different ways in which you can ensure your hot tub is running at maximum efficiency, including using various chemicals and testing strips to check the quality and acidity of the water. Our Insta Test Strips make this process extremely quick and efficient. By dipping the strip in your spa water you will see that the four pads instantly change colour. Line them up with the colour scale on the back of the pot and you will obtain an accurate reading on your waters chlorine, alkaline, pH and hardness level. Be guided by the ‘OK’ regions on the scale to know whether any of the levels need rebalancing.

Why test the pH of your water?

Unbalanced pH levels can impact the quality of the water and your hot tub experience. For this reason, having correctly balanced and neutral water in your hot tub ensures the longevity of your spa, as well as protecting your experience! It is important to know that when your pH is at 7.2, the other chemicals will be working at their optimum. The pH of our eyes is also at 7.2, so you will find that your eyes may become irritated to start to sting if the water becomes too acidic or alkaline.

No foam!

In addition to maintaining the correct chlorine//bromine and pH levels, it is also important to ensure that all spa users shower without using any products before bathing. The reason for this is simple! Our everyday shampoos and skin products can interfere with the quality of the water by making it become foamy. It is also recommended that you do not use any detergents when washing any bathing costumes. However, if you find that your spa does become foamy there is no need to worry! Using our EzBubbleBurst product your spa water will be crystal clear again in no time.

Our engineers are able to advise you about which methods are best for your hot tub or swim spa. To learn more about hot tub products, maintenance and servicing, speak to a member of our team on 0208 300 4003.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.