5 medical conditions that regular hot tub use can help to relieve

We often view a hot tub as a symbol of luxury and something that’s purely about indulgence. However, that’s not the only function that hot tubs have. From providing therapeutic easing of muscle pain through to helping to improve circulation, there are many benefits to using a hot tub regularly that can help to ease certain medical complaints.

How can hot tubs assist with Parkinson’s Disease?

Hydrotherapy is increasingly being used to treat Parkinson’s Disease. The warmth of the water helps to loosen up muscles and the buoyancy of the water means that there are no balance issues to worry about. Using a hot tub at home on a regular basis can help to ease the symptoms of this progressive disease.

Hot tubs can help to reduce ongoing, chronic pain

Many people suffer from chronic pain, particularly as they get older. Chronic pain is different to acute pain, which usually eases once the cause of the pain has been dealt with. Problems with chronic pain can persist for months or years but regular use of a hot tub can help to relieve some of the symptoms. The warm water and jets in a hot tub can help to reduce inflammation and soothe painful joints.

Arthritis and fibromyalgia pain can be reduced through hot tub use

Both arthritis and fibromyalgia involve problems with the joints and soft tissue in the body and can cause chronic pain that can’t be cured. However, this can be reduced when joints, muscles and tendons are relaxed. Spending regular time in a hot tub – with its warm bubbles and soothing jets – is a great way to help bring more relaxation to the body. The effect of this is to make it much easier to manage the pain that can come with these two conditions.

Neuromuscular conditions that can he helped through regular hot tub use

Neuromuscular conditions, such as muscular dystrophy, often involve problems with muscle condition and mobility. Hydrotherapy is increasingly being used as a treatment for this category of conditions because the buoyancy of the water provides a low impact way to exercise and the body is supported. Regular use of a hot tub can help to relieve some of the symptoms of neuromuscular conditions, including pain and muscle spasms.

Hot tubs can help to relieve the aches and pains of getting older

Regularly spending time in a hot tub can do a lot to help relieve the aches and pains of getting older. Problems with senior health can arise in any number of different ways, from conditions that cause chronic pain through to the emotional and mental issues that result from a loss of confidence. If you have a hot tub at home then this can be a huge benefit when it comes to senior health. The heat of the water helps to open blood vessels and improve circulation and the jets in the hot tub are designed to help soothe aching muscles. Plus, confidence can be improved by regular hot tub use – as it’s one more activity seniors know they can still do.

If you’d like to find the perfect hot tub for your home, whether it’s for therapeutic or relaxation purposes, we can help. Contact The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company today to find out more.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.