Can a hot tub help your new year resolution?

When it comes to new year resolutions those that relate to health and fitness tend to be the most popular. If you opted to set these goals for yourself in 2020 then you’re not alone, as millions of other people have also decided that this is the year to get fitter, slimmer and be more active. Unfortunately, the failure rates for new year resolutions tend to be high – up around the 80 – 90%. However, if you have access to a hot tub then you have a secret weapon that will enable you to better achieve your goals this year. Here’s how:


Stress has a generally negative impact on the human body and this is especially so when it comes to what we eat. The release of cortisol during a stressful situation may cause you to start craving high fat, high calorie foods, which can do a lot of damage to a carefully managed diet. If your cortisol levels remain consistently high then this can prevent new muscle being built and cause the body to store more fat in response. Soaking in a hot tub for just 15 minutes a day can significantly reduce stress levels. It will slow your breathing, relax muscles and help to slow down or stop the release of cortisol as your anxiety fades away.


When you take on a new exercise regime it can cause a lot of new aches and pains and you may even find that you end up injured. A hot tub could form an essential part of the process of preparing for, and recovering from, exercise. The warmth of the water means that capillaries and blood vessels dilate and blood flows more freely around the body, which can speed up recovery, as well as getting your muscles warm for activity. You’re also much less likely to try to avoid your next exercise session as a result of aches and pains from the last one.


We all know what it feels like when you wake up after a bad night’s sleep – you’re tired, cranky and hungry. Lack of sleep can spike cortisol levels and result in lots of cravings that will ruin new year resolution diets. Sleep deprivation causes the body to release more ghrelin, which is the hormone that makes you hungry so if you’re not sleeping then you will struggle to stick to those goals. A hot tub session each night before you go to bed can help to combat this. Hot water helps the body to relax and get ready to wind down for the night. It’s often a much more effective way to switch off at the end of a hard day than having a glass of wine, which can add calories and actually keep you awake.

If you’ve set new year resolutions that revolve around health and wellness for 2020 there is plenty that you can use your hot tub for to help you achieve these positive goals.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.