5 swimming techniques to practice in your swim spa at home

The size of a swim spa makes it very easy to accommodate, no matter how limited your space at home. However, while the swim spa itself may not require a large area, you can still swim considerable distance while using one. Thanks to the design of the swim spa, which uses a resistance current to give you a fantastic workout on the spot, there’s no limit to how much you can train, practice or get fit when you have a swim spa at home. This type of pool can also accommodate any stroke so, whether you’re looking to improve fitness or learn something new, you’ll have plenty of choice.

1. Butterfly technique

Let’s start with the one swimming stroke that takes the most effort and skill to perfect. If you’ve always wanted to master this one but never felt comfortable learning in public, your home swim spa is the ideal place to perfect your technique. Butterfly involves moving the arms forward, together, in a circular motion, while kicking your feet. This movement will push your chest up out of the water and power you forward in the most dramatic of ways. If you’re looking for an anaerobic element to your swim then butterfly delivers – it’s great for arms and core too.

2. Front crawl

If your target area for strengthening is your arms then perfecting your front crawl is a great goal to have. Although the legs continuously kick with front crawl, it’s the arms that do most of the work, alternately slicing forward into the water ahead to power you on. As well as strengthening the arms and back, front crawl will also improve overall fitness and swimming ability.

3. Breaststroke

If you’re doing breaststroke well then you should barely break the surface of the water. You won’t need your swim spa jets particularly high for this one, as it’s a slower stroke. However, you will still work your entire body by regularly practicing breaststroke in your swim spa. Both the arms and the legs are active, as well as the core.

4. Backstroke

If you’re looking to break between intense sessions, or keen to find a technique where your face is not in the water, backstroke is a great option. Turn the jets down lower on your swim spa for backstroke and let your arms do all the work. You’ll get a great workout for back and arm muscles and a medium one for the legs too.

5. Sidestroke

If you’re keen to ensure you’re working the muscles in the side of your body, as well as your arms and legs, sidestroke is the technique to master. When you’re practicing sidestroke, make sure that you spend an equal amount of time on both your right and left sides.

These are just some of the techniques you can learn to practice in your swim spa to get fitter, healthier and more proficient at swimming in general. Get in touch for advice from our expert team about which Swim Spa is best suited to your requirements.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.