Could sauna use at home do wonders for your health?

Everyone knows that a sauna is a great way to enjoy essential relaxation. The warmth, the quiet… if you’re in need of a blissful few moments of peace then a sauna at home is the way to get it. However, as well as providing a totally chilled relaxation experience, saunas might actually also be good for your health.

Where do the health benefits come from?

A recent study entitled “Cardiovascular and Other Health Benefits of Sauna Bathing: A Review of the Evidence” found that spending regular time in a sauna is not only great for relaxation but could also have some serious health benefits too. The study was compiled by Finnish researchers who, incidentally, come from a country with more than 10,000 years’ of experience with saunas. The Finns compiled their study by spending a month reviewing all the available evidence on the health benefits of a sauna. This included mostly people who spent anywhere between five and 20 minutes in their sauna every day.

What did the study say?

The Finnish study found that regular sauna use could be significant with respect to cardiovascular health and a range of other benefits.

Better circulation

The study established that time spent in a sauna can have the same impact on the human body as moderate exercise. Circulation was significantly improved, as the effect of the sauna was to increase the heart rate to 120 beats to 150 beats per minute.

Improved skin

Saunas are fantastic for sweating, which is one of the primary methods used by the human body to remove toxins from the system. When we sweat those toxins are pushed out through pores in the skin and can then be scraped or showered away. The sauna also increases blood flow to the skin, making it look plumper, more nourished and younger.

Reducing the risk of heart disease

What might be surprising to many people is how much simply sitting in a sauna can help to reduce key cardiovascular risks. The researchers in Finland found that there was a key correlation between people spending time in a sauna and a reduction in heart problems. People who were in a sauna four to seven times a week had 60% lower rates of stroke and heart disease than people who visited a sauna just once a week. The impact was so significant that the researchers leading the study identified sauna use as a third factor in cardiovascular health, in addition to diet and exercise.

How to best enjoy your home sauna

  • Make sure you use it regularly – four to seven times a week to get the health benefits
  • Drink plenty of water when you’re in the sauna and also afterwards so that you can replace the liquids lost through sweat
  • Avoid alcohol when in the sauna as this can lead to dehydration
  • Start slowly – spend a few minutes in your sauna each day when it first arrives and then gradually build up from there.

Alongside diet and exercise, a home sauna is a great way to improve your health and get fitter. If you’d like to find the ideal home sauna for you please get in touch with The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company today.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.