Getting Your Swim Spa Ready for Winter

With the coming winter just around the corner, getting ready for the winter months by readying your swim spa properly is vital. There are different things you need to do to prepare your swim spa, hot tub or pool for the coming winter months regardless of whether you live in an area that gets snow or not.

The first step is to get all of the proper supplies you will need to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible. This will include all the relevant chemicals and any other items you may require. Next, add your chemicals to your spa water one at a time to balance the PH and alkalinity properly. Then, add your algaecide and then a chlorine free shock. It is recommended to add each chemical separately and let the filter run for about an hour before adding the next one. Next, thoroughly vacuum your pool and brush all the walls and the floor as best you can to make sure that the pool is as clean as it can be for closing.

The next step is to lower the water to about three inches below the skimmer. You can use a cover pump to get the level down or whatever method you prefer. Next, close up your skimmer properly and remove all your hoses and properly store them.

You will also want to "winterize" all of your equipment, including your pump and heater, especially if you experience temperatures that dip below freezing. Simply clean and thoroughly dry all your cleaning equipment, then store them indoors. It only takes a small amount of water left in your spa to freeze and cause great damage, so ensure it is properly emptied if you are not using it.

Next, cover your spa properly. Be sure to follow all of the manufactures recommendations in order to be sure that you spa is properly protected for the winter months.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.