Using Your Swim Spa as a Treadmill

There is a lot fun to be had with a swim spa and included in this is making use of it as a swimming treadmill. If you have ever used a traditional treadmill, you know the type of workout it can give you. Now, when you combine that with water resistance, you will get an impressive workout that’s also easy on your joints.

Traditional Treadmill Warm Ups

As with any type of exercise, a warm up is always required. Normally, for the warm up, it would consist of a three to five minute walk at an easy pace, which is then increased gradually. This helps to loosen up the muscles that are going to be used in the extensive treadmill workout.

Water Treadmill Warm Up

The warm up actually begins when most people enter the water. This is when they are going through the process of getting used to the water with its feel and temperature. It is common for people to automatically start moving their arms and legs once in the water.


When on a treadmill, it is normal for most to use the cross bar of the treadmill to hang on to help them keep their balance and remain on the treadmill. This is not something that has to be done in a swim spa because the water provides the buoyancy that is needed to keep you stabilized.

Reduction In Soreness

It is not uncommon when using a treadmill, especially when first getting used to it, that one experiences different degrees of soreness. The feet can become sore as well as leg muscles. With the treadmill actions being carried out in the water, this is really reduced, especially when it comes to the feet.

Using the swim spa to carry out treadmill exercises often makes this type of exercise more enjoyable. You may feel far more refreshed as opposed to feeling sweaty and tired when using the traditional treadmills. This is just one of the many forms of exercise that can be carried out in the swim spa. When you combine these benefits as well as the fun and relaxation that a swim spa offers, it is well worth the investment.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.