Using your sauna in the snow (or cold weather!)

If you’ve ever wondered why saunas are always found in ski resorts it’s because there are many benefits to this kind of dry heat in the snow or the cold. A sauna at home is not just a luxury, it can also have a very positive impact on health and wellness – and help to support a more positive lifestyle this year.

Aiding relaxation and sleep

If you feel tired all the time then it may be that the quality of your sleep is poor. This is often the result of tension and stress that you don’t quite manage to let go of at the end of the day. Spending time in your sauna is a great way to relax in the evening and to make sure that you’re getting good quality sleep. A more relaxed body means better rest and a stronger immune system too.

Soothing the nervous system

Whether it is the stress of sore muscles or the emotional stress of a day job, an exhausted nervous system is just not good for our bodies. There are lots of ways to help manage stress and the warm, dry environment of a sauna is one of the most effective. The impact of the heat enables the body to physically relax and release tension, and the benefits of that essential alone time can help to develop a calmer and more mindful approach to life’s challenges.

Sweat it out

Saunas help to support a healthier body and immune system by enabling better relaxation and also through detoxification. Sweat is one of the primary ways that the human body rids itself of toxins and in a sauna you will do plenty of that. Whether you’re detoxifying the effects of lots of eating and drinking during December, or the germs of coughs and sneezes, spending some time sweating in a sauna is an easy way to do it.

Better heart health

You might be surprised to learn that studies from Japan and Finland have established that regularly spending time in a sauna can be very beneficial for the health of your heart. The heat of a sauna helps to improve circulation, boost the immune system and can minimise or control heart problems. In fact, it can be as effective as regular exercise. So, if you’re struggling to do good things for your heart during the winter, regular sauna time is the ideal place to start.

Mood boosting

There are many ways in which spending time in a sauna during winter can help to improve your mood. From soothing away stress and increasing endorphin release to helping you to stay calm, there are lots of positive benefits. Saunas can also be incredible social spaces, bringing more people into your life and ensuring you connect regularly with family and friends. The more connections we have, and maintain, the happier humans we tend to be.

If you’re keen to find a sauna that perfectly fits your lifestyle contact a member of our team.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.