Health benefits of using a spa

From adding a bit of luxury into your life to creating more space for health and fitness, a spa can make a big difference to your lifestyle. Spas can be somewhere that all the family can engage with each other and also provide an ideal space in which you can relax alone and have some precious quiet time. There is a therapy aspect to spa use too, helping to calm frayed nerves and make it easier to wind down after a hard day. And, in addition to all of that, there are also a number of great health benefits that can result from using a spa.

Helping with stress management

Consider the impact of a massage on the areas of the body that tend to carry a lot of tension, such as the neck and shoulders. And then add in the feel of warm water. That’s the experience you’ll get with a hot tub spa thanks to the combination of hydrotherapy and the soothing impact of the massage jets. The hydrotherapy jets in a spa can be used to target a number of specific areas where tension is likely to build, including neck, shoulder, mid-back, lower back, thighs and feet. Just 20 minutes is very effective at helping to relieve muscular pain and curb the consequences of stress, such as tension headaches and high blood pressure.

Healing health benefits

What many people don’t realise is that a spa does feel like a luxurious experience but it also has a lot to offer in helping to manage various conditions. For example:

  • Arthritis. Soaking in a spa can deliver relief from the pain and restricted movement of arthritis. The muscles relax in the warmth of the water so that moving becomes easier and less painful.
  • Type 2 diabetes. The heat from a spa dilates the blood vessels in the body, increasing blood flow and enabling the body to better use its insulin. One study found that regular soaking helped patients to reduce blood sugar levels by up to 13%.
  • Healing from injuries. From inflamed joints to strains and sprains, the impact of soaking in a spa can have a very positive effect. Increased circulation carries more oxygen around the body helping to promote healing where it is needed the most.

Sleep and skin

The stress relieving impact of a hot tub can help improve sleep, as well as the way that the body heats up in a spa and then cools once you get out. In fact spending half an hour in a spa 90 minutes before you want to sleep can promote better, higher quality sleep.  A spa will also encourage your body to sweat, opening up pores and activating the natural systems of detoxification that help to give skin a cleaner, bright finish and keep it healthy.

Regular spa use has a lot to offer everyone, young or older, both in terms of lifestyle benefits and helping you to better manage and optimise your health.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.