How can you use your hot tub this summer

Hot tubs have a whole range of health and lifestyle benefits. However, it’s easy to forget that these exist when the temperatures outside are rising – in fact many people waste their hot tubs during the summer by simply putting the cover on. The reality is that if you have a hot tub at home there’s a lot that it can add to your day-to-day experience all year round. So, how can you make a few changes to use your hot tub this summer?

Hot tubs don’t have to be hot

In the winter there is nothing better than getting into a toasty warm hot tub and allowing the heat to soothe and relax your body. In the summer you might already be warm enough and wondering how to use your hot tub when the temperatures are high. The answer is simple enough – just turn it down. Most hot tubs have more than one temperature setting and if you reduce yours to 85F then the water can be a much more pleasant experience. There are other ways to make your hot tub cooler too. For example you can run the hot tub with the cover off and the air jets on – or you could even add ice. Thanks to the insulation in most hot tubs once the water is cool it will stay that way until you turn the temperature back up.

Using your ‘cool tub’ in summer

Once you’ve found the right way to reduce the temperature in your hot tub to make it cooler there are lots of great options for enjoying it throughout the summer.

  • Start your day with a dip. Summer days are always cooler first thing in the morning and your hot tub is the ideal place in which to make the most of this. Grab a coffee and enjoy a few moments of peace and quiet before the day begins.
  • Use your hot tub to recover. Both heat and cold have been shown to have a positive impact on the body, especially when it comes to supporting recovery, whether that’s from a heavy session in the gym or an injury. Many of us ramp up our activities and exercise in spring and summer – the muscle relaxing, circulation boosting impact of your hot tub could be a great way to help ensure that you’re ready for each new session.
  • Essential family time. Even during the summer holidays it can still be difficult to get everyone together and share some quality time. A hot tub is the ideal space for this as it’s convenient, fun and the water means that phones and devices have to be left at a distance. Arrange regular hot tub time with your family to share some quality moments – allow everyone to invite some friends if you want to make it super sociable.

A hot tub has many uses during the summer. Simply turn the water temperature down to accommodate the change in atmosphere and adapt the way you enjoy your hot tub to take into account the weather outside.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.