Our top health benefits of using a hot tub

A hot tub is a great experience but has a lot more to offer than just recreation. There are also some key health and wellness benefits of using a hot tub that make it a useful way to enhance your experience of day-to-day life. These are just some of the ways in which a hot tub can bring more into your life, now and into 2021.

Stress management

If you’re feeling under pressure, exhausted, tense and this is being reflected in your body then spending some time in a hot tub can help. The buoyancy of the water takes the pressure off muscles and joints and can help to relieve tension and soreness. This is combined with the heat of the water, which helps to increase the blood flow to muscles and promote healing. The hot tub jets provide massage, easing out tension throughout the body and triggering the release of endorphins, which have a pain killing effect.

Chronic health conditions

Arthritis is one of the most widespread chronic health conditions and can be incredibly painful, especially during the winter. Regular use of a hot tub can have a very positive impact on arthritic joints, helping to reduce stiffness and minimise pain. This improvement is something experienced not just when in the hot tub but also when it comes to daily activities and exercises out of the water. Diabetes is another condition where people have been found to see an improvement in wellbeing as a result of hot tub use. One study found that patients with Type 2 diabetes who spent 30 minutes in a hot tub for six days a week over three weeks experienced an average 13% reduction in blood sugar. For those patients who have heart disease there are benefits too - a short soak in a hot tub can bring blood pressure down.

Better sleep

Sleep is something that we all need to get more of but it can be difficult to get to sleep - or stay asleep - and many of us suffer from sleep related issues. A hot tub can positively influence both the quality of your sleep and how easy you find it to get to sleep. Half an hour in a hot tub before bed relaxes the body and prepares it for a night of rest. It will also improve sleep quality, as sleep tends to be deeper and more relaxing as the temperature of the body gradually drops after a hot tub soak.

How you feel

A hot tub has some clear health benefits but can also influence how you feel and the way that you enjoy your life on a daily basis. If your hot tub is outside it’s a great way to get out in nature, enjoy some fresh air or time away from the house. Your hot tub can be a sociable space where members of your household come together without the distraction of devices or somewhere you use to be alone and have downtime.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your health and wellness there are plenty of opportunities to do this in your hot tub.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.