Winter Wellness: How a Hot Tub Can Boost Your Immune System

Winter is here and it’s time to put the cover on the hot tub and say goodbye until next year, right? Wrong! If you are lucky enough to have a hot tub at home then the winter season is the prime time to use it. Not only can it provide for some seriously special seasonal experiences but it can also support your wellness in ways that boost your immune system too.

Get outside and enjoy the weather!

One of the challenges many of us face in winter is that we spend too long inside. Central heating, a lack of Vitamin D and no fresh air can all affect our immune systems. At the same time, no one wants to be cold or miserable in bad weather. The good news is that with a hot tub you can get outside and enjoy any weather. You’ll be toasty warm on those cold sunny days when there’s lots of Vitamin D up for grabs, able to enjoy the snow - and even the rain, especially if your hot tub is sheltered.

A genuinely positive impact on your immune health

Spending regular time in your hot tub can deliver some great benefits for your immune system. We now know that it even has the potential to help prevent seasonal colds and other health challenges thanks to the impact that the hot water has on your body.

Reliving the impact of stress

If there is one thing that is guaranteed to hurt your immune system and make you feel rubbish, it’s stress. At this time of year there can be stress to deal with everywhere, from financial pressures to the busyness of the season. It’s really important for your health to find ways to regularly release this pressure and stress, so that it doesn’t overwhelm you. Spending time in a hot tub can actually reduce blood pressure because of the impact of the hot water. It also relieves tight muscles and helps you to relax.

You can use your hot tub to work out

We all know that exercise is good for us but did you know that you can use your hot tub to do it? If you want to combine the benefits of hydrotherapy and exercise in your hot tub then try a few resistance training sessions in the water - or exercises like bicycle kicks or walking on the spot.

Easing your sore muscles

The impact of the hot water is to open up blood vessels so that your body can deliver much needed nutrients faster to the areas that need them the most. Spending time in your hot tub will help relieve the immediate impact of aching muscles and also improve recovery.

A great place for social connection

Humans are social animals and connection is good for us. Your hot tub is the perfect way to reconnect with family and friends at this time of year.

When it comes to winter wellness your hot tub is a great place to ensure that you’re getting more of it. We offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub. We are proud to have a multi-award-winning showroom located in Kent, so please come down and try out our huge range

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.